
Welcome to my GitBook! My name is SubZe3r0, and I am a penetration tester who enjoys participating in Hack The Box challenges. In this GitBook, I will be sharing my writeups of some of the challenges I have completed, along with insights and tips on how I tackled them.

About Me

I have been in the cybersecurity industry for several years now, and I specialize in penetration testing and vulnerability assessments. In my free time, I enjoy participating in online challenges and competitions, and HackTheBox is one of my favourites.

About the GitBook

On this GitBook, you will find detailed writeups of some of the challenges I have completed on Hack The Box. I will provide step-by-step instructions on how I approached each challenge, as well as some of the tools and techniques I used to solve them.

In addition to the writeups, I will also share some of my thoughts and insights on the world of cybersecurity, including news and trends in the industry, as well as tips and tricks for staying safe online.

Get in Touch

If you have any questions or comments about my GitBook or my work, I would love to hear from you! You can reach me through my contact page or connect with me on social media.

Thanks for visiting, and I hope you enjoy reading my writeups!

  • SubZe3r0

Last updated